Sunday, December 16, 2007

Cousin's Christmas Party

This year, Papa and Granny G, hosted the little cousin's Christmas Party. It was such a fun time. They furnished all the yummies a person could want. Aunt Lou's Cathedral Cookies were really good. Dad and Gail, found the cutest Christmas motiff marshmallows, I have ever seen. They made cupcakes and put them on top of the frosting.

The kids, Olivia, Christopher, John, Jace, Gabby, Lindsey, Tabitha, Alex and Stephanie, played Turkey Ball. I really had a great time watching the kids playing and having a good time together.

Uncle Butch & I ate "waaay" too much food. He made a comment that he should not be eating that cupcake. Instead he should have been walking. I told him that on Sunday's those calories do not count. I also told him that if he was walking around the house that the calories did not count. You know, they cancel each other out!

The boys were zonked by the time we left. Christopher snored on the way home.

Thank you Papa & Granny G for hosting a lovely party.

Need to post more to this blog.

Wow! I have not updated this blog since, Valentine's Day.

There is so much going on with the boys. They are growing more everyday. Christopher and John make us laugh on a daily basis.

John had his first school Christmas Program, this past Friday. He had 3 lines to say. He memorized the whole thing last a week before the program. He practiced everyday, making sure he got it right. I am so proud of him.

His line was:
This is the father, Joseph, so tall.
Who cared for the baby and animals all.
But, mostly the mother, Mary, by name.

Christopher's favorite word right now, is "No" and he loves to meow like a cat.

It was a short & sweet program. Short being the operative word.