Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Day Bonanza

Whew! Chasing two boys around & keeping them focused on opening presents made us tired. We had a blast watching their facial expressions! Santa was very good to the boys.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Twas the Night before Christmas

The boys went to bed with expectations of great things to come. John teddy is named, Bear Bear. Christopher's teddy is named, Huxley.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Quesadilla Christmas Party

We got together Saturday(the Eve before Christmas Eve) with mom, Grandmother Martin, Curtis, Kara and beautiful Olivia, Brandi, handsome Alex, beautiful Gabby, Gust, me, handsome John and handsome Christopher.

"Livvy May Love Bug" & Aunt Mitmee

What an adorable little girl. This is my niece Olivia May Newcomb. She was born at the end of June. If you can not read her shirt it says, "Santa Baby". I could just eat her up!!! Our families are so blessed to have her in our lives. When can I have another niece or nephew?? I have been a good girl. Well, sort of.

Friday, December 22, 2006

John's Christmas Shopping Attire

Gust told John that if he would get dressed he could go Christmas shopping with him. About 15 minutes later John came clopping into the kitchen saying, "Momma I am ready to go shopping.

ps. those are mommies boots.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Letter from Santa's #1 Helper

Dear John & Christopher~
As one of Santa's Helpers, I wanted you to know that Santa thinks you are being really good and he expects to come down the chimney on Christmas. Please keep up the good work and continue to be good little boys.


Santa's #1 Helper

Christopher's Letter to Santa

Dear Santa,
I have been a good boy, also. I am growing and learning everyday. Last night, while I laid on the couch with mommy, I said, "Pineapple". Big word. I have gotten into some mischief lately. I see John doing all of these cool things, and I have to try it, too. Mostly been good, except for the night that mommy and daddy were trying to move some things out of their room and daddy moved the potted plant. He told me not to get into it. Mommy vacuumed the carpet and then went to do something else. When she came back, she found potting soil ALL OVER the carpet. Not only did I dump it out, I smashed it into the carpet with my shoes. Daddy really got on to me, which made me mad.
For Christmas this year, I would like some toys, some clothes, some books and I really need a toboggan and mittens.

I will TRY to leave a plate of cookies and milk on the mantel, too. But, I can not guarantee it. I LOVE cookies and milk.


John's Christmas Letter to Santa

Dear Santa
I have been good this year. Well, if you do not count the time that I used a permanent lime green marker, yes lime green, and drew a picture of mommy on our walls. We had to get Roy (daddy's painter) to cover up the mess. Or when I pushed Christopher out of my bed and he gashed his noggin. In the last couple of weeks I have really tried to be good.
If you think I have been good enough, I would like some Thomas the Tank Engine toys, some books would be great. I would love Bob the Builder dvd's. Toys from the Cars movie. Some clothes.

I will leave a plate of cookies and milk for you on the mantel.


Sunday, December 17, 2006

What r the dingo's doing?

Napping of course. What else would they be doing?
Well, Bree is snoozing and snoring.
Molly is looking to make sure that the kids are not going to pick on her.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Newcomb Cousins Christmas Party

This past weekend we went to Uncle Butch and Aunt Mary's house for a Christmas Party. There were a lot of cousins, aunts & uncles there. Uncle Butch & Aunt Mary Newcomb, Cousin Jennifer & Cousin Stephanie, Papa & Granny G Newcomb, Uncle Durwood & Aunt Mary Lou Hearn, Cousin Scott & Tabitha Hearn, Cousin Matt, Cousin Kasey, Cousin Jace & Cousin Lindsey Hearn. Aunt Brandi, Cousin Alex & Cousin Gabby Newcomb. Funny Uncle Curtis, Aunt Kara & little cousin Olivia. We had snacks and cookies, which were really good. The cousin kids got to draw names and exchange gifts. John got a bunch of matchbox cars and Christopher got his own cell phone. We even got to play a game. Christopher kept trying to eat the dice that we were using. He is sooo silly.